Stop Kiss

Auditions for Stop Kiss will take place on Monday, February 3, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

Appointments are required. To reserve a time, please email Matt Lamb at or call the Gilbert at 910-678-7186


Callie Pax
Callie works as a traffic reporter in New York City, where she has lived for eleven years. Callie helps Sara learn her way around the city, and, in the process, develops strong feelings for her. When Callie and Sara are attacked, Callie sustains only minor injuries and, along with Peter, nurses Sara back to health.

Sara, who recently moved to NYC from St. Louis to accept a teaching fellowship at an elementary school in The Bronx, looks to Callie to learn how to fit in while in the Big Apple. When Callie and Sara are attacked in the park after their first kiss, Sara is injured, and falls into a coma, where she remains for some time.

George is Callie’s “friend with benefits.” He works as a bartender in the city and is jealous of Sara’s relationship with Callie.

Peter is Sara’s ex-boyfriend from St. Louis. Once he heard Sara was in the hospital, he came down to New York to see her. Peter is still in love with Sara.

Mrs. Winsley/The Nurse
Mrs. Winsley is a witness to the attack against Sara and Callie. She is interrogated by Detective Cole. The actress who plays this role usually also plays the part of Sara’s nurse.

Detective Cole
Detective Cole is the detective assigned to Callie and Sara’s case. He is the first to hear the story of what happened to Callie and Sara the night they were attacked.



Sara Side 1

Callie Side 2

Detective Cole Side 2

George Side 2

Mrs. Winsley Side 2

Peter Side 2

Adventures with Young King Arthur

Please prepare a 16 bar cut of a musical theater song or a song of your choosing. There will be a Bluetooth speaker that you can use for your accompaniment. (Karaoke tracks can be used) If you have a headshot and resume, please bring them to your audition.

Auditions will take place on January 20th from 6:00 – 10:00 PM. Appointments are required. Auditions will be in 5-minute time slots from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Callbacks will begin immediately after general auditions. Please email Matt Lamb at to get a time slot. Age ranges are listed. (Merlin and Morgan- Adults 25 and above. All other cast, youth actors from 11-18) Gilbert Theater always casts with no biases based on race, gender identity or expression, disability, or sexual orientation. We encourage any and all to come out & audition regardless of experience.


SARA is an admirably smart and brave 17-year-old. She is adventurous, ambitious, and diligent. It is her story that provides the play with its spine; we basically follow her from beginning to end. As a teenager, she is prone to quarrels with…

MATT, her brother, who is a couple of years younger, and cares nothing for the past. He is very happy to have finally outgrown his older sister. A funny character, and a sympathetically-flawed foil to his near-perfect sister. However, Matt is not a pseudo-Californian who says “dude.” He and Sara are whisked into the Dark Ages by…

MERLIN, a powerful wizard who loves to teach, but who occasionally gets muddled in his spells. He is the wonderful tutor of…

ARTHUR, future King of England, but in this story still a teenager whose greatest ambition is to be a squire. Friendly, curious, and eager to learn. At the beginning of our story, he doubts that women are good for much of anything. Perhaps this absurdly negative opinion is based on his experiences with…

MORGAN LE FAY, an evil enchantress. Rival to Merlin, she does not want Arthur to become king, because a villain like her thrives in the current anarchy. She is frightened by the modern technology of Sara and Matt, and immediately sees them as enemies, too. She conspires with…

THE GREEN KNIGHT, a big, frightening, conceited knight who truly believes that Might makes Right. He relishes doing battle with…

SIR KAY, the owner of the castle Merlin and Arthur live in. Athletic and a bit arrogant, he too believes in Might, but also respects the power of Merlin. He is always accompanied by…

DAGONET, a comical knight who wields a battle-ax, and…

DYNADAN, an even more comical knight who wields a morning star (in reality, a heavy ball set with spikes, either attached to a staff or suspended by one from a chain). Though these two knights are funny, they are still capable of combat and are not complete clowns. Kay, Dagonet, and Dynadan are not Moe, Larry, and Curly.


Please Prepare one side only.

You do not need to memorize.

Be familiar with the rest of the sides.

Regarding Working at the Gilbert
The Gilbert Theater is a semi-professional, community-minded theater which offers paid positions to professional and semi-professional actors in leading or specialty roles and volunteer opportunities.

Actor Compensation
The theater is unable to compensate actors at a level which recognizes the value of their talent, training, or time in the way a fully professional company might. Compensation ranges from Guest Artist to a simple gas stipend. Housing for out of town guests is available.Contract terms are negotiated individually.

***The Gilbert Theater has a noted history of cross-gender and non-traditional casting practices. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are strongly encouraged to audition.

If you cannot make auditions for a particular production, please feel free to contact us, or send us your resume and headshot to  or via snail mail.

Theatre’s Statement
The Gilbert continues to actively explore ways to engage with our diverse community in regards to the representation of culture, race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and disability on and off stage. We create more opportunities for actors and other artists who have been historically underrepresented on and off the stage.